Fuzzy Relational Matrix-Based Stability Analysis for First-Order Fuzzy Relational Models of Dynamic Systems

AuthorsArya Aghili-Ashtiani, S. K. Y. Nikravesh
JournalIranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
Page number59-70
Serial number2
Volume number11
IF2.276 (2019)
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published AtMarch/April 2014
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of
Journal Index10.22111/IJFS.2014.1502


In this paper, two sets of sufficient conditions are obtained to ensure the existence and stability of a unique equilibrium point of unforced first-order fuzzy relational dynamical systems by using two different approaches which are both based on the fuzzy relational matrix of the model. In the first approach, the equilibrium point of the system is one of the centers of the related membership functions. In the second approach, the equilibrium point of the system is the origin (the center of the middle membership function) and the behavior of the system, though can be nonlinear, is symmetric around the origin. The results are approved by numerical examples.


Cite this article

Arya Aghili Ashtiani; Seyed Kamaleddin Yadavar Nikravesh. "Fuzzy Relational Matrix-Based Stability Analysis for First-Order Fuzzy Relational Dynamic Systems". Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 11, 2, 2014, 59-70. doi: 10.22111/ijfs.2014.1502


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