Authors | Arya Aghili Ashtiani - M. B. Menhaj |
Journal | Soft Computing: Methodologies and Application |
Page number | 545–557 |
Volume number | 14 |
Paper Type | Original Research |
Published At | April 2009 |
Journal Grade | ISI |
Journal Type | Typographic |
Journal Country | United States |
In this paper, we study and formulate a BP learning algorithm for fuzzy relational neural networks based on smooth fuzzy norms for functions approximation. To elaborate the model behavior more, we have used different fuzzy norms led to a new pair of fuzzy norms. An important practical case in fuzzy relational equations (FREs) is the identification problem which is studied in this work. In this work we employ a neuro-based approach to numerically solve the set of FREs and focus on generalized neurons that use smooth s-norms and t-norms as fuzzy compositional operators.
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Aghili Ashtiani, A., Menhaj, M.B. Numerical solution of fuzzy relational equations based on smooth fuzzy norms. Soft Comput 14, 545–557 (2010).