A Slacks-based Model for Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis

AuthorsM. Afzalinejad, Z. Abbasi
JournalJournal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Presented byبله
Paper TypeOriginal Research
Published At2018
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryUnited States
Journal IndexISI


Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis (DDEA) deals with efficiency analysis of decision making units in time dependent situations. A finite number of time periods and some carry-over activities between each two consecutive periods are assumed in DDEA. There are many models in DEA for efficiency evaluation of decision making units over time periods. One important class of dynamic models is the class of slacks-based models. By using a numerical example we show that some slacks-based DDEA models, especially ones proposed by Tone and Tsutsui, suffer from efficiency overestimation. A new dynamic slacks-based DEA model is proposed to overcome the deficiencies of the available slacks-based models. The model proposed in this paper is capable of revealing all sources of inefficiencies and providing more discrimination between decision making units. The theoretical and practical examinations demonstrate the merits of the new model.

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