sequentially pure monomorphisms of acts over semigroups

AuthorsH. Barzegar, M.M. Ebrahimi
JournalEuropean journal of pure and applied mathematics
Page number41-55
Serial number4
Volume number1
Paper TypeOriginal Research
Published At2008
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of


Any notion of purity is normally defined in terms of solvability of some set of equations. In
this paper we first take this point of view to introduce a kind of purity, called sequential purity, for
acts over semigroups (which is of some interest to computer scientists, too), and then show that it is
actually equivalent to Cp-purity resulting from a closure operator.
The main objective of the paper is to study properties of the category of all acts over a semigroup
with respect to sequentially pure monomorphisms. These properties are usually needed to study the
homological notions, such as injectivity, of acts.