On baer type criterion for C-dense, C-closed and quasi injectivity

AuthorsH. Barzegar , H. Arianpoor
JournalJournal of Linear and Topological Algebra
Presented byTafresh
Page number105-109
Serial number2
Volume number5
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2016
Journal GradeScientific - research
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryIran, Islamic Republic Of


For the subclasses M1 and M2 of monomorphisms in a concrete category C, if
M2 M1, then M1-injectivity implies M2-injectivity. The Baer type criterion is about the
converse of this fact. In this paper, we apply injectivity to the classes of C-dense, C-closed
monomorphisms. The concept of quasi injectivity is also introduced here to investigte the
Baer type criterion for these notions.