On inverse skew Laurent series extensions of weakly rigid rings

AuthorsM. Habibi
JournalCommunications in Algebra
Presented byTafresh University
Page number151–161
Serial number1
Volume number45
Paper TypeFull Paper
Published At2017
Journal GradeISI
Journal TypeTypographic
Journal CountryUnited States


Let $R$ be a ring equipped with an automorphism $alpha$ and an $alpha$-derivation $delta$. We studied on the relationship between the quasi Baerness and $(alpha,delta)$-quasi Baerness of a ring $R$ and these of the inverse skew Laurent series ring $R((x^{-1};alpha,delta))$, in case $R$ is an $(alpha,delta)$-weakly rigid ring. Also we proved that for a semicommutative $(alpha,delta)$-weakly rigid ring $R$, $R$ is Baer if and only if so is $R((x^{-1};alpha,delta))$. Moreover for an $(alpha,delta)$-weakly rigid ring $R$, it is shown that the inverse skew Laurent series ring $R((x^{-1};alpha,delta))$ is left p.q.-Baer if and only if $R$ is left p.q.-Baer and every countable subset of left semicentral idempotents of $R$ has a generalized countable join in $R$.