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نمایش ۷۰۱ تا ۷۲۰ مورد از کل ۱٬۲۰۰ مورد.
عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
Performance assessment of multi-GNSS real-time PPP over IranAdvances in Space ResearchAbdi N, Ardalan AA, Karimi R, Rezvani MH
Predictive Slip Control for Electrical TrainsIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronicssajad sadr - davood arab khaburi - jose rodrigiez
q-nonlinear Schrodinger and q-nonlinear Klein–Gordon equations in the frame work of GUPGeneral Relativity and GravitationBehrooz Khosropour - Mohammad Eghbali - Saeed Ghorbanali
The temperature and oxygen vacancy effects on the diffusion coefficient and ionic conductivity in ferroelectric BaTiO3 nanowires; A molecular dynamics studyMicroelectronics ReliabilitySaeed Ghorbanali - Mehran Gholipour Shahrakia
The coupled effects of oxygen defect and crystallographic orientation on the electromechanical properties of BaTiO3 nanowiresSolid State CommunicationsSaeed Ghorbanali - Mehran Gholipour Shahrakia
Influence of crystallographic orientation and diameter on piezoelectric constant and Young's modulus of BaTiO3 nanobeltsSolid State CommunicationsMehran Gholipour Shahrakia - Saeed Ghorbanali - Hadi Savaloni
Evaluation of Ten Thousand Cubic Meters Mazut Tank Behavior Against Explosive ChargesAmerican Journal of Civil EngineeringAzmoodeh S. - Arafati N
The Impact of the Depth and Type of Soil Granulation on the Bearing Capacity of the Ring FootingAmerican Journal of Civil EngineeringAzmoodeh S. - Arafati N
A comparison on slope stability analysis of Aydoghmoosh earth dam by Limit Equilibrium, Finite Element and Finite Difference methodsInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Building MaterialsAzadmanesh M. - Arafati N
Modelisation des sables avec la loi de Nova: Determination des parametres et influence sur les simulationsBulletin des laboratoires des ponts et chausseesMestat Ph. - Arafati N
Modelisation par elements finis du comportement du rideau de palplaches experimental de HochestettenBulletin des laboratoires des ponts et chausseesMestat Ph. - Arafati N
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II for locating emergency bases to minimise mean and standard deviation of service timeInternationaI Journal of Operational ResearchHamid R. Golmakani - Mahtab Eskandar
ارائه مدل ریاضی برای مکانیابی پایگاههای اورژانس با هدف کاهش میانگین و انحراف معیار زمان سرویس دهی(مطالعه موردی اورژانس تهران)مجله علمی پژوهشی شریف - مهندسی صنایع و مدیریتحمیدرضا گلمکانی - مهتاب اسکندر
انرژی بستگی هسته های متقارن پوسته پر با پتانسیل برهمکنشی، (AV18 ( j=2 , j=5 با روش LOCV در تقریب چگالی ناحیه ایمقاله نامه کنفرانس فیزیک ایران 1389 هسته ایحجت مریجی ، مجید مدرس ، ناصر راسخی نژاد
The ground state binding energy of the closed shell nuclei with the density dependent AV18 effective interaction in LOCV methodInternational nuclear Physics Conference 2010 ( INPC 2010 ) journal of Physics Series 312 ( 2011) 092043M. Modarres , H. Mariji , N. Rasekhinejad
The effective of density dependent AV18 effective interaction on the ground state properties of heavy closed shell nucleiNuclear Physics A , 859 ( 2011) 16 - 28M. Modarres , H. Mariji , N. Rasekhinejad
The density dependent AV18 effective interaction and ground state of closed shell nucleiInternational Journal of Modern Physics E Vol. 20 No. 3 (2011) 679 - 703M. Modarres and N. Rasekhinejad , H. Mariji
Ground state of heavy closed shell nuclei : An effective interaction and local density approximation approach064306 ( Phys. Rev. C 72 ( 2005M. Modarres and N. Rasekhinejad
Local density approximation approach to the bhnding energy of closed shell nuclei014301 ( Phys. Rev. C 72 ( 2005M. Modarres and N. Rasekhinejad
Optimization of Fluidized Bed Reactor of Oxidative Coupling of MethaneInternational journal of chemical reactor engineeringEghbal Ahmadi, M. H., Zaerpour, M., Daneshpayeh, M., & Mostoufi, N