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عنوانعنوان نشریهنویسندگان
The density dependent AV18 effective interaction and ground state of closed shell nucleiInternational Journal of Modern Physics E Vol. 20 No. 3 (2011) 679 - 703M. Modarres and N. Rasekhinejad , H. Mariji
Ground state of heavy closed shell nuclei : An effective interaction and local density approximation approach064306 ( Phys. Rev. C 72 ( 2005M. Modarres and N. Rasekhinejad
Local density approximation approach to the bhnding energy of closed shell nuclei014301 ( Phys. Rev. C 72 ( 2005M. Modarres and N. Rasekhinejad
Optimization of Fluidized Bed Reactor of Oxidative Coupling of MethaneInternational journal of chemical reactor engineeringEghbal Ahmadi, M. H., Zaerpour, M., Daneshpayeh, M., & Mostoufi, N
Data reconciliation and gross error detection: application in chemical processesCumhuriyet science journalEghbal Ahmadi, M. H
Plant-Wide Simulation Model for Modified Claus Process Based on Simultaneous Data Reconciliation and Parameter EstimationChemical engineering transactionEghbal Ahmadi M.H., Rad A
Development of Genetically tuned Fuzzy dynamic model for nonlinear dynamical systems: Application on reaction section of Tennessee Eastman processScientia IranicaEghbal Ahmadi M.H, Royaee S.J., Tayyebi S., and Boozarjomehry, R. B
Optimum Placement of Gas Detectors Considering Voting Strategy with Different Detection Set PointsJournal of Loss Prevention in the Process IndustriesRad A., Rashtchian D., Eghbal Ahmadi M.H
English Loanwords in Persian: Vowel AdaptationResearch on Humanities and Social SciencesDr.Aliyeh Kambuziya, Naghmeh Mirzaie
Simulation of particle pneumatic conveying process: electrostatic charge and hazard evaluationJournal of Biochemical TechnologyFathollahi, M., Eghbal Ahmadi M.H, & Hosseini, S. M. J
مدلسازی فرآیند تبخیر ناگهانی با استفاده از روش فازی ممدانی و مفهومی جدید به نام ترکیب درصد فازیمجله پژوهش نفتمحمدحسین اقبال احمدی، سید جاوید روئیایی، شکوفه طیبی
New blends in English languageInternational Journal of English Language and Linguistics ResearchNaghmeh Mirzaie
The assimilation of consonants in Eghlid: an Iranian dialectInternational Journal of English Language and Linguistics ResearchNaghmeh Mirzaie, Zahra Ehsani, Mansour Shariati , Gohar Sharifi
A new approach in preventing sand deposition on railway tracks to improve transportation qualityAeolian ResearchR. Mehdipour- Z. Baniamerian
An experimental investigation of heat of vaporization of nanofluidsJournal of Thermal Analysis and CalorimetryZahra Baniamerian -R. Mehdipour - S. M. Sohel Murshed
Simulation of Combined Heat and Power in an Acidification Process Using NanofluidsApplied Thermal EngineeringS.H.R. Mirkamal - Z. Baniamerian
Experimental Assessment of Latent Heat of Evaporation for Hybrid NanofluidsJournal of Engineering ThermophysicsZ. Baniamerian - M. Mashayekhi
Effects of nanoparticles deposition on thermal behaviour of boiling nanofluidsJournal of Heat and Mass TransferZ. Baniamerian - H. Azimi
Evaporative Behavior of Gold-based Hybrid NanofluidsInternational Journal of Thermophysics and Heat TransferZ. Baniamerian - M. Mashayekhi
Experimental Assessment of Saturation Behavior of Boiling Nanofluids; Saturation Temperature and Saturated Vapor PressureInternational Journal of Thermophysics and Heat TransferZ. Baniamerian - M. Mashayekhi