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عنوان مقالههمایشمحل برگزاری همایشنویسندگان
Reconstruction and comparison of EIGEN-1S، EIGEN-2، EIGEN-GRACE01S، EGM96 geopotential models using Spherical WaveletsEuropean Geosciences UnionVienna, AustriaM. Jafari، V. Nafisi، GH.Jodaki، A. Safari
On the possibility of generation using satellite altimetry data over the land areas using Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetry dataEuropean Geosciences UnionVienna, AustriaA. Ardalan، M. Jafari
A proposal for modeling tropospheric effect on Galileo observations.European Geosciences UnionNice, FranceM. Jafari and A. Ardalan
A Local time-wise tropospheric modeling of GPS observations. Case studiesEGS-EGU-EUG Joint AssemblyNice، FranceA. Ardalan and M. Jafari
Tropospheric modeling via GPS observations23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.GAII.03/04A/A13-007Sapporo، JapanM. Shirzaii ،M. Jafari and A. Ardalan
مطالعه دستگاههای دینامیکی به روش نگاشت پوانکاره از مراتب بالاتر13th International Seminar on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and ApplicationsIsfahan University oحسن آریانپور، صفر محمدی
(Non)linear Connections on Lie Algebroid Tangent Bundles47th Annual Iranian Mathematical ConferenceKharazmi UniversityH. Arianpoor
Integrable Dirac Structures on Lie algebroids8th International Seminar on Geometry and TopologyAmirkabir UniversityH. Arianpoor
star-Calculus on Quantized Coordinate Space2nd National Conference on Mathematics and its ApplicationsUniversity of MalayeH.Arianpoor
A Pseudo Invariant First Order Differential Calculus on Deformed N-SpaceCIMPA-UNESCO-MICINN-THAILAND School, Workshop on Spectral Triples and ApplicationsChulalongkorn UniverH.Arianpoor
The Study of Quantum Principal Bundles on Some Quantum SpacesSummer School on Noncommutative GeometryIsfahan University oH.Arianpoor
“Spatiotemporal Derivative Pattern: A Dynamic Texture Descriptor for Video Matching2014The 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)Singapore Accepted, Farshid Hajati-Mohammad Tavakolian- Soheila Gheisari- and Ajmal Mian
"Local Composition Derivative Pattern for Palmprint Recognition", 2014Proc. of the 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)TehranFaegheh Shojaie- Farshid Hajati
"Offline Signature Verification using Geodesic Derivative Pattern", 2014Proc. of the 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)TehranSamaneh Abdoli-Farshid Hajati
Sparse Variation Pattern for Texture Classification", pp. 1-6, 2013Proc. of the International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTAHobartMohammad Tavakolian-Farshid Hajati- and Ajmal Mian
“Derivative Variation Pattern for Illumination-invariant Image Representation”, pp. 4215-4219 2013International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)MelbourneMohammad Tavakolian- Farshid Hajati- Ajmal Mian- Yongsheng Gao, and Soheila Gheisari
, “3D Face Recognition using Topographic High-Order Derivatives”, pp. 3705-3709, Melbourne, 2013.International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)MelbourneAli Cheraghian, Farshid Hajati, Ajmal Mian, Yongsheng Gao, and Soheila Gheisari
"Multimodal Expression-Invariant Face Recognition Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform", 2013.Proc. of the 8th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP 2013)ZanjanFazael Ayatollahi, Abolghasem A. Raie, and Farshid Hajati
"Video Face Recognition using LBP-Based Representative ing Algorithm", 2013Proc. of the 8th Iranian Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP 2013),ZanjanSaeed Nasiri-Abolghasem A. Raie- and Farshid Hajati
“Pose-Invariant 2.5D Face Recognition using Geodesic Texture Warping”, Dec. 2010Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV)Singapore- Oral PresFarshid Hajati- Abolghasem A. Raie- and Yongsheng Gao